HomeAzure Synapse Analytics/SQL DWSQL Data Warehouse reference architectures


SQL Data Warehouse reference architectures — 6 Comments

  1. Hi James,

    I see a big push towards SQL DWH. But what I’m missing in scenario 1, 3 and 4 is the ETL component. You mention ‘Do staging, data refinement in SQL DWH’, but not which tools to use for doing that. Ofcourse we can write SQL stored procedures, but nobody likes having to much stored procedures, and they are a nightmare to maintain.
    We could think of Azure Data Factory, but there we have to program our own transformations and execute it on some kind of host (say HDInsights)..
    What do you see within clients that have shifted to use SQL DWH ?

    • Hi Niek,

      Great question! You can use SSIS or Azure Data Factory for ELT, but they should be thought of as a orchestration tool (no data transformation within the tool), otherwise they become an ETL solution. With SQL DW I recommend you do the transformations within SQL DW via stored procedures for scenarios 1, 3, and 4 so you use the power of SQL DW to do the transformations quickly. Most clients use stored procedures, and if they want to do transformations outside SQ DW, that is where scenario 2 and the data lake come into play (a future blog will talk about the compute options when using Azure Data Lake Store).

  2. So many options these days. I would add:

    * CosmosDB to dump (stage) raw data – easier to work with than Hadoop in my opinion and lower cost entry point. Particularly good if source data structure is not so reliable.
    * SQL Server on VM for ETL and Master Data Management (non-transactional) – hope to see this functionality as PaaS one day
    * Curated data stored in SQL DW (particularly for larger datasets)
    * Azure SSAS for OLAP (Tabular)

  3. Pingback:Azure SQL DW Reference Architectures – Curated SQL

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