HomeSQL Server 2012SQL Server 2012 (“Denali”): FileTable


SQL Server 2012 (“Denali”): FileTable — 2 Comments

  1. Hi,

    I played and tested this a bit and i found one big disadvantage in this feature.
    While copying a file, you cannot execute any queries on the DB!
    What happens if you constantly need to copy\delete\modify files?

    Can it really be that no reads are available or am I missing something ?

    If so, this is a major issue and should be pointed out clearly as a limitation.

    Would be happy to hear what you think about it.


  2. How can you tie these documents in FILETABLE to an existing record (in another table) as FILETABLE have an schema fixed, or identify the user who owns the document? When using varbinary(max) in a normal table you would know it belogs to that particular row. Maybe using the stream_id as foreign key?

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