HomeBusiness IntelligenceWhy You Need a Data Warehouse


Why You Need a Data Warehouse — 13 Comments

  1. Great blog post! You brought up a very interesting observation about the scarcity of data warehouses throughout Corporate America. I also observed this. Do you think the trend is changing?

    • Thanks for the post Malik. I do think the trend is changing. I have been surprised by how many companies do not have a “true” data warehouse. But it seems most realize the benefits of a data warehouse and BI and are taking steps to build a true DW along with BI solutions. I get a lot of requests from clients to come in and help them understand how to build a DW and the proper architecture. Most want to know best practices and how everyone else is building a DW. It’s a smart move to bring in a consultant who has built many DW’s and get guidance and certainty that you are building it correctly than to just do it all on your own, especially if you have not build one before. Kinda like trying to build a house on your own without asking a contractor for help!

  2. Though I have never been a fan of a 3NF DWH, there are good uses for 3NF–including hierarchy enforcement in a staging area. What really chaps my @$$ is the misuse of the term “data mart”. It is the old “business dept” vs “business process subject area” argument.

    The sad fact, however, is that it is human nature to “cluster and operate in groups”, and that tendency is demonstrated to the fullest in most unsuccessful DWH projects. I believe human nature itself is the biggest reason for DWH failure, and that is why we do not see more of them. However, when properly incenitivized and shown a truthful proof-of-concept, data warehouse projects can succeed in the same manner in which a good bill becomes a productive law in the US–education, executive support, compromise, and no bulls__t leadership.

    Steven Neumersky

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