HomeBig DataAzure Data Lake


Azure Data Lake — 11 Comments

  1. Pingback:What is a data lake? | James Serra's Blog

  2. Pingback:Hadoop and Microsoft | James Serra's Blog

  3. Pingback:Azure Data Lake enhancements - SQL Server - SQL Server - Toad World

  4. Pingback:Copying data from Azure Blob Storage | James Serra's Blog

  5. Pingback:Storage options on Azure | James Serra's Blog

  6. Pingback:Storage options on Azure - SQL Server - SQL Server - Toad World

  7. Pingback:Azure Data Lake enhancements | James Serra's Blog

  8. Pingback:Why use a data lake? | James Serra's Blog

  9. Hi,
    great blog – I would have a follow up question.
    if you us the azure data lake as default storage area for your HDinsight cluster – do you still have to replicate your data 3 times as per hdfs default or is this handled by the azure data lake itselve (and you do not have to take care on the replication yourself?
    Thanks and BR

    • Hi David,

      Thanks for reading by blog. We take care of the replication so you don’t have to. When we charge you to write a GB, we write it, and we write it reliably, so that’s the only thing your app needs to worry about.

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