HomeData LakeData Mesh: Centralized vs decentralized data architecture


Data Mesh: Centralized vs decentralized data architecture — 9 Comments

  1. Totally agree, data virtualization should not be the goal. It should be a valuable addition to your capabilities that you can leverage.

  2. Pingback:Centralized vs decentralized data architecture – SQLServerCentral

  3. Pingback:Centralized and Decentralized Data Architectures – Curated SQL

  4. Pingback:Data Mesh: Centralized ownership vs decentralized ownership | James Serra's Blog

  5. Pingback:Data Mesh: Centralized ownership vs decentralized ownership – SQLServerCentral

  6. Pingback:Pragmatism: A guide to unlocking data’s strategic value | Intellect

  7. “Reduces ETL/ETL data pipeline”

    If you have data in multiple sources, then that data needs to somehow be brought together. Whether this happens in a “pipeline” or in a distributed query tool, it still needs to happen, so this is more about the choice of tool rather than inherent improvement of ease / sustainability / maintainability of data integration tasks.

    “Security is centralized”

    Yes, but I’ve found this can also mean you’re stuck with the limitations of the technology stack you’re using to secure your data assets. Having a separate physical data asset that can be secured independently can have benefits in terms of simplifying data security activities.

  8. Pingback:The Potential Of Blockchain For Artificial Intelligence – Surfactants

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