HomeMicrosoft FabricWays to land data into Fabric OneLake


Ways to land data into Fabric OneLake — 6 Comments

  1. Am I correct in assuming that you will always need to create some sort of compute first (eg lakehouse, warehouse, KQL database) before you can actually write something to OneLake? It seems you cannot store files in OneLake like you can with Azure Blob Storage.

  2. Pingback:Ways to Land Data into Microsoft Fabric OneLake – Curated SQL

  3. Hi Koen…OneLake is automatically created with Fabric (it is ADLS Gen2 under the covers). Yes, you will need to create a lakehouse, warehouse, etc first, which are just folders in OneLake, before copying data into OneLake.

  4. Pingback:Fabric Benchmarking Part 1: Copying CSV Files to OneLake. - SQLGene Training

  5. In some source systems the only way to get data out of the source system is to schedule report data to come across as attachments in an email.

    Do any of these options work to pull attachments out of emails and load data into a Lakehouse or Warehouse table.

    • You will need to create an automation pipeline either with Logic Apps to extract these attachments and land or drop them into Azure Blob Storage connector

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