HomeAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL offerings


Azure SQL offerings — 3 Comments

  1. Nice but DTU plan is missing completely.
    I just moved a dozen of databases from vCores to DTU this morning to reduce the costs. DTU are still relevant.

    I was smart enough to take a screenshot a few years ago that could resume the migration effort: https://www.jeeja.biz/2021/07/08/how-to-discover-sql-server-instances-on-azure-vms/

    In my opinion Managed Instances are dead. SQL server on Azure VMs is for Lift & Shift and your wallet catches fire. Azure SQL Database is the only way to go but is not easy.

    Missing in action:
    – Managed Instance: was a thing, it resulted in being too expensive
    – Serverless: born to reduce costs.. no one use it as it’s too expensive
    – Hyperscale: too niche to become something
    – Azure SQL Edge: who the hack is Azure SQL Edge?

  2. And let’s not forget to mention the recently released (to public preview) Fabric SQL capability, our “SaaS” (Software as a Service) transactional SQL offering for operational workloads. Under the covers it uses Azure SQL DB engine and the Hyperscale architecture. Data in your SQL database is automatically replicated into the OneLake in Parquet-Delta, an analytics-ready format. No ETL needed! Billing is via Fabric Capacity CUs. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric/database/sql/overview for more details.

  3. Pingback:Azure SQL offerings – SQLServerCentral - KubPoint

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